At Chockablock our passion lies in helping you tell your story.

Video enables you to increase customer investment, move more product, form deeper relationships with customers and donors, drive traffic, and stand out in your industry.
At the end of a Chockablock Media production, you have a video you are proud to share. One that inspires your audience to take the action you want. Full-stop.
Our services:
- Ideating video concepts
- Writing and editing video scripts
- Storyboards
- Multimedia (audio/video) content development and production
- Capturing, importing, and organizing raw media
- Licensed drone photography
- Editing video footage and audio files
- Live event capture
- Livestreaming
- Animation incl. creating static and 2D – 3D motion graphics
- Sourcing music and sound effects, recording voice-over
- Delivering multi-format video files (e.g. YouTube, social media, web)
- Transcriptions, translations, subtitles
- Providing additional team members (Set-design, 3D set design, still photography, make-up and hair etc.) as required
Here’s who we help:
Social marketers: Whether you’re an independent social media marketer or are part of an internal marketing and communications team, there are going to be those times when you need some extra hands creating your video content. While you’re busy scheduling, planning and creating an online presence for your clients, Chockablock will deliver your video content. We create enticing content so you can thrive in your zone of genius as your fan-base grows.

Biz owners and start-ups: Need to start your customer relationships or re-kindle existing ones? Looking for investors who believe in your dream? Video is the most targeted powerful cost-effective tool to get solid results. If you explain why you do what you do, share your passion for your product and services, customers and investors trust you. Chockablock will craft you an engaging video – with special attention to how it will be viewed and who will be watching.
Comms and HR Teams: Corporate HQ in another country? Another province? Are you heading up your company’s internal communications while complying with global company protocol? You are expected to share ideas, foster engagement, increase the buy-in and enlighten your employees. Video is the most cost-effective vehicle to grab the numbers you need. Employee and customer testimonials, internal reports and new-product roll-outs suddenly get seen and shared. Need 5,000 pairs of eyeballs on a new training and 250 sign-ups? Well-crafted video messaging will allow you to hit those targets faster than any other format.
PR Teams: Whether you need video content for socials, to accompany press releases, live event coverage or need to give archival footage new life, we can help. We’ve been supporting Canadian PR Teams for over 20 years. Understanding your specific needs and supporting your clients is part of our passion.
Loyalty program managers: Genuine conversations with customers and employees are profitable conversations. Video builds trust faster than print so use it to answer customer questions and post responses in your social media platforms. Explain the passion behind your products. Strengthen customer loyalty. Splash pages with video convert 80% better than those without. We create the video and you have a visual gift to reward your loyal donors and customers.

Fundraising: Your video content can be attracting donors while you sleep. When you document your social proof, share your transparency, show how your overhead ratios are good for your organization, and thank donors via video, your chances of converting a prospect to a donor are 40% better. Our videos have raised millions far ahead of schedule. If you speak directly to donors they respond with their hearts and their wallets. We can show you how.
Industry: Desperate to have ideal visitors interact in your trade show booth? Hoping to repackage footage from a live Q & A into other formats and on other platforms? We’ll create an interactive experience for your customers, employees or followers anchored by custom video inspired by your products and services. Video can help increase your organic site traffic by 150%.
Educators: Need to attract the best and brightest students? Hold your own against ivy-league schools and attract future thought leaders using video. A short-format video clarifies the benefits of your undergrad studies driven by possibility of being a name not a number, working alongside forward-thinking profs in the classroom or lab, not just sitting in a vast lecture hall. Video will double the amount of time prospective students will spend on your site.